In my first attempt at blogging, I will be documenting my time abroad in Sydney, Australia. Hopefully I will continuously be doing exciting things so I can keep this blog interesting.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I am the WORST blogger ever

I've really been slacking with this whole blogging thing, sorry. It's because my internet hasn't been working and I've had to pay for it and I'm broke. Today however, my internet decided it wants to work and its free! Hopefully this continues.

So, what exciting things have I done up to this point. I've finally met up with my friends from BU. We've been going to the beach alot and I got sun burned the first day. Now my back looks like I have that disease that Michael Jackson had where your skin doesn't hold pigment. It's really unfortunate looking.

I started class on Monday. My school is super small, only about 2,000 kids, sooo different from BU. My schedule is pretty sweet. I'm taking an Australian politics class on Monday; I have a one hour lecture and then a two hour tutorial. Tuesday I take Drama in the Age of Shakespeare, Postcolonial Australian Lit, and Comparative Indigenous Lit from 8:30am to 5:30pm. With no breaks. Its like a job. I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm in the real world. I pretty much have to read 3 books a week since I'm taking 3 lit classes, which should be interesting. I can already tell my Indigenous Lit class is going to be super depressing, so thats cool. I tried to make friends with some Australian girls in my class, but mostly they just answered my questions and went back to talking to eachother. I have to take the train to school everyday, I navigated it by myself on tuesday and I was pretty impressed with myself. I think since I only have two classes I'm going to try and get a job. I signed up for this bartending/barista training class through my program and they try and place you with a job. Fingers crossed.

I went to Tropfest this week, which is the world's largest short film fest in the world. I thought it was just going to be this little screen on the beach or something, it ended up being this huge festival in the middle of the city. 40,000 people with blankets, bottles of wine, picnic baskets and lawn chairs crammed into this gorgeous park in the middle of the city. We got there at around 3pm and there was music playing and they had a live feed from their red carpet. Elijah Wood and Toni Collette were the celebrity judges. The fest started at 7pm and as it started getting darker these huge bats started flying out of the trees around us, there were hundreds of them. It was super creepy. We watched the first seven films and then they had intermission and a band called Whitley (I think) played on the stage underneath the screen then the last 8 were shown. It was really cool to be with so many Australians and get to see the culture like that.

I think thats pretty much all I've done thats worth writing about. I've just been going out with my friends and going to the beach and such. Yesterday I moved into my apartment, such a pain in the ass but I'm finally all unpacked and settled. So I think thats about it, I now have to hop on a bus to Bondi Beach so I can fix my spotty back. Such a hard life. Oh here's a picture of the beach, it was kind of overcast on this day. The water is super warm and amazing, by the way.

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