In my first attempt at blogging, I will be documenting my time abroad in Sydney, Australia. Hopefully I will continuously be doing exciting things so I can keep this blog interesting.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 3

Today (2/15) we woke up at the crack of dawn to go rappelling in the Blue Mountains. Thank god it stopped raining and was actually gorgeous and sunny for the first time since I've been here. We took a bus two hours outside of Sydney and then a van up into the mountains. Our van driver looked, talked, and smelled like an Australian pirate. We hiked down into a canyon with all of our gear on; I fell down on my knees in the first 5 minues.
When we got down into the canyon this was what we saw:
It was absolutley terrifying but I managed to rappell down a wall face that was 20 stories high. The picture to the right is of the medium rappell we did (I'm in the red helmet). It was super intense cause you had to hike back up and climb ropes and ladders. I made it though. I think I'm going to go back and go hiking.
Afterwards they gave us a beer to celebrate our victory. YAY AUSTRALIA! (And its wasn't Fosters, much to my suprise)

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