In my first attempt at blogging, I will be documenting my time abroad in Sydney, Australia. Hopefully I will continuously be doing exciting things so I can keep this blog interesting.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Down Under in 8 More Days

I'm almost there; eight days separate me from kangaroos, koalas, and kiwis. And I still haven't packed or even made a list of what I'm going to bring. Typical. I do, however, know that I will be having an orientation on the 17th where I will get to pick out all my courses. I know I have 5 roommates; three of them are from Maryland I think, one is from Wisconsin, and one from Virginia. I also know that my program has officially been paid and my tickets have been purchased. So, all in all, I'm pretty on top of things. Packing really isn't that big of a deal.

My family has also been on top of things. They have been extremely helpful financially and also have provided me with some tools to help me acclimate to Australian culture. The best gift I've received is a book of Aussie Slang from my Aunt and Uncle. So, in order to practice my slang, I'm going to write the rest of this post the way the Australian's intended it to be spoken.

I woke this morning and my room looked like a mad woman's breakfast. Instead of cleaning up, I went to the lav' then went downstairs to eat something that would put a little hair on my chest. I enjoyed my cheerios but I was really craving some mystery bags. Then I said to my cat Elvis "Lets' get some munger into ya mate." He's loyal as a sheepdog that one; he's also a meggsie.

When I was walking back upstairs, Elvis swatted me right on my napper. So I screamed at him, "Don't upset me or I'll end up doing my flaming nana!" That cat had gotten me bloody narked. Once I calmed down a bit and threw on some clothes, I was off like a bride's nightie to go explore the never never.

Alright, that's all I've got. I can't stop laughing out loud while I'm writing this and the Starbucks regulars look like they're getting a little narked. So I guess I'm finished for now and I'm going to go nick off.

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