In my first attempt at blogging, I will be documenting my time abroad in Sydney, Australia. Hopefully I will continuously be doing exciting things so I can keep this blog interesting.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mardi Gras

This blog post is dedicated to Kyle Pyke. No, I'm not done with this whole blog thing.

So, Mardi Gras was this past week. We were all pretty excited because its a huge celebration around here and the parade is great and hilarious. Dressing up was neccessary, so we went to Hot Dollar (this great dollar store in the mall) and I picked up some rainbow fishnets, rainbow fake eyelashes, a pink feather boa and a tiara.
This was the finished product. Too bad you can't see my super stylish white sneakers. They really added to the outfit. Uncle Chris said I looked like someone from Working Girl with the tights and the tennis shoes. Oh well. We did alot of walking that night, it was neccessary. The trains were insane, so crowded, so much glitter everywhere. Once we got up on the street it wasn't much better. They had cops on horses directing the foot traffic everywhere. You could barely move, everyone was dressed up and drinking on the street. The more seasoned parade watchers got there early with crates and little plastic kid chairs so they could actually see the parade. By the way, plastic kiddie chairs and full-grown drunk people is not a very practical combination. You'd think they would have come up with a better solution already.
We ended up taking a cab to the end of the parade because there were so many people at the beginning we couldn't even move. We had to walk at least 3 streets below the parade if we wanted to get anywhere. Once we could actually see everything it was great. So many fabulous drag queens in fabulous costumes. I think the theme was history or something because there were Spartans and all sorts of period costumes. Gay and lesbian groups came from all over the world to march in the parade, so that was pretty cool to see.

When the parade was over two of my friends and I met up with Chris and Terry and walked around then went to get a drink and catch up. It was great because we saw people in drag or costume at pretty much every bar we went to that night.

Here's a picture of our whole group before we got separated...Not sure who that random guy in the red is...

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Sounds like a lot of fun!!! Just wanted to comment on your blog because you haven't had any comments for a while... how come the only one who comments is me????

    Hahaha! LOVE YOU!
